Friday, June 23, 2023

Ankle Sprain

6/23/23  I sprain my ankle wakeboarding on a foil board. Ouch! The board has half straps but they cause a full sprain. The really painful part of this sprain is that it will take over a year to recover to the point where I can hike mountains again. Couch rest for weeks, Doc visits, X-rays, a boot, then an air cast, PT, MRI, surgeon visit, second opinion surgeon visit, more PT. 

The docs think I have a torn Deltoid ligament, torn Posterior Tib tendon, tiny bone chip, and none of it healed well after 1 year. Ultimately, what keeps me away from surgery is a lot of stretching and strengthening for all the surrounding tissue. 

When I can finally hike Mt Monadnock again, (7/24), I'm so happy!!! I want to yell it from the top of the rock! Now I can really enjoy being fully retired! Life is good, again.