Monday, August 8, 2011

Boat, Kite, Rain

We boated out from Barn Hill Rd boat ramp, thru Stage Harbor, to Monomoy Island, picked a good looking sand bar and dropped gear, claiming the deserted miles of sand bars and flats as our personal real estate to explore. Then the tide came in and swallowed it all up.

Grey scudding clouds, drizzle, downpours, mist, strong gusty wind, 1 jet boat, 4 kites, 4 smiles.

It was a good adventure! A little wild. A little crazy. The best use of a rainy day that I can think of. I'd say the only use of a rainy day that I can think of but some have accused me of having a 1 track mind.

Peter's trail of bread crumbs

Monomoy, Kitesurfed, SSE, 20-35, Flex 136/9M Octane, with Paul, Holly, Peter.